HMD Global just launched its Nokia G21 smartphone in India, after teasers. It was announced back in February and packs a 6.5-inch HD+ v-notch screen with 90Hz refresh rate, and the Helio G35 in the G20 with the Unisoc T606 SoC. It has up to 6GB of RAM, and runs Android 11 with a promise of two years of Android upgrades and three years of security updates. Continue reading “Nokia G21 with 6.5″ HD+ 90Hz display, Unisoc T606 SoC, up to 6GB RAM, 50MP camera, 5050mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 12999”
Tag: Nokia G21 price
Nokia G21 with 6.5″ 90Hz display, Unisoc T606, 50MP camera, 5050 mAh battery announced
HMD Global just announced the Nokia G21, the company’s latest smartphone in the G series and the successor to last year’s G20. It retains the 6.5-inch HD+ v-notch screen, but it has up to 90Hz refresh rate, and it also replaces the Helio G35 wit the Unisoc T606 SoC. It has 4GB of RAM, and runs Android 11 with two years of software upgrades and three years of security updates. Continue reading “Nokia G21 with 6.5″ 90Hz display, Unisoc T606, 50MP camera, 5050 mAh battery announced”