Nokia to launch handsets at a price of Rs.500 or 10 USD ?

ET is reporting that Nokia is planning to launch a limited number of handsets at the sub Rs.1000 price point and is also planning to launch a handset at the Rs.500 price point.Nokia wants to boost it’s Nokia Life Tools offerings by offering low cost handsets to users in rural India. Nokia Life Tools is a service for the Aam Aadmi or the Common Man and offers tips about Agriculture , Education and entertainment to a user base who virtually have now access to the internet and other information sources.

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Nokia Charger Replacement is just for Nokia 7210 in India

Nokia had initiated a global charger replacement program for 3 of it’s faulty chargers but looks like the problem affects a small group of Nokia users in India.Only Nokia 7210 which comes with the AC-3E charger and purchased after June 15th 2009 and before August 9th 2009 may be affected.This does not impact the usage or safety of the Nokia phone in any manner. Only the chargers which have been manufactured by a third-party manufacturer have been recommended to be replaced for free as a quality issue has been found


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Live from Nokia Take-Back Campaign in Chennai

Today is World Environment Day and Nokia had something special in store for us .

We were invited to the launch of the Nokia’s Take-Back initiative in Chennai related to  recycling phones.

The event marked the nationwide roll-out of the Take-Back recycling program in over 15 cities in India.

Nokia will plant a tree for every phone dropped in the Recycle bins spread accross the country

Making Eco-Friendly products and controlling the carbon footprint of phones seems to be one of the goals  of the company

Dr.Ambrish Bakaya , Director Corporate Affairs was present at the event. We had the chance to interview him

Padmashri Shobana , Dancer and Actor was also present at the event and she contributed her old phone for the the cause.

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Get your free game by joining N-Gage Gamers Gang

N-Gage  was Nokia’s first gaming phone , then came the N-Gage QD

N-Gage is now a gaming platform, which is now available on a fast growing range of smart phones like N82 , N81, N85

Now Nokia india is running a promo for N-gage games , so get yours FREE now ..

Nokia N-Gage

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