Nokia has cut the price of the Lumia 710 to Rs. 12,999, few weeks before the Lumia 620 goes on sale in India. The Lumia 710 was launched in India for Rs. 19,000 along with the the Lumia 800. It got a price cut to Rs. 15490 in January last year, and later it was sold for Rs. 14,699. Continue reading “Nokia Lumia 710 price drops to Rs. 12999”
Tag: nokia lumia 710
Nokia offers free Lumia 710 color covers for US customers
Nokia has brought back the Lumia 710 Xpress-on color cover program, and they would offer free back covers for Nokia Lumia 710 for both new and existing customers in USA. According to their recent survey among 1000 US customers, most of them preferred blue and white colored phones. Continue reading “Nokia offers free Lumia 710 color covers for US customers”
Nokia Lumia 710 Review
Welcome to FoneArena’s review of the Nokia Lumia 710. The Lumia 710 is Espoo’s second Windows Phone 7 device. It is Nokia’s designated entry level smartphone aimed at introducing Windows Phone to the masses. Continue reading “Nokia Lumia 710 Review”
Nokia Lumia 710 unboxing
The Nokia Lumia 710, announced at last year’s Nokia World, is Nokia’s second Windows Phone device. The Mango-powered smartphone will be making its way across stores worldwide.
The Lumia 710 is Nokia’s attempt at making Windows Phone cheaper and accessible to the market. While the Lumia 710 can be considered an ‘entry level’ Windows Phone, the specs says otherwise. Unlike entry level Android phones for example, the Lumia 710 features the same speedy 1.4GHz Snapdragon SoC that powers the Lumia 800. Continue reading “Nokia Lumia 710 unboxing”
Nokia might have shipped over 1 million Lumia smartphones last year
Bloomberg reports that if analyst figures are to be believed , the Nokia Lumia series of handsets might have shipped in excess of 1million handsets so far. The figure was achieved by taking an average of the input from 22 different analysts , in other words it should be taken with a pinch of salt.
Continue reading “Nokia might have shipped over 1 million Lumia smartphones last year”
Samsung Omnia W vs Nokia Lumia 710
Here is the comparison between 2 latest Windows Phone Mango devices, Samsung Omnia W and the Nokia Lumia 710. The Samsung Omnia W is the Samsung’s latest Windows Phone device that was announced in September and they launched it in India in October. It packs in 1.4 GHz Processor and comes with a 3.7-inch WVGA(800X480 pixels ) Super AMOLED display. Nokia Lumia 710 is Nokia’s latest Windows Phone device that was announced in India in November. It comes with 3.7-inch (800 x 480 pixels) ClearBlack TFT display with Gorilla Glass and boasts 1.4 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon Scorpion CPU and it also comes with swapable back covers. Let’s get into the specs comparison. Continue reading “Samsung Omnia W vs Nokia Lumia 710”
Nokia Lumia 800 and 710 Windows Phone devices coming in mid-December to India
Nokia and Microsoft has unveiled the Lumia 800 and the Lumia 710, Nokia’s first Window Phone devices in India. Both the Lumia 800 and the Lumia 710 were unveiled at the Nokia World 2011 in London. The Nokia Lumia 800 has a unibody design and comes with a 3.7-inch (800 x 480 pixels) ClearBlack AMOLED display. The Nokia Lumia 700 comes with a 3.7-inch (800 x 480 pixels) ClearBlack TFT display. Both these devices are powered by 1.4 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon Scorpion CPU and runs on Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango) OS. Continue reading “Nokia Lumia 800 and 710 Windows Phone devices coming in mid-December to India”
Nokia Lumia 710 hands-on
It’s Nokia World 2011 and all eyes seems to be on Nokia’s new Windows Phone 7.5 flagship, the Lumia 800. But based on my conversations with other tech journalists here, many believe the real show stealer is the understated Nokia Lumia 710. Read on to find out why. Continue reading “Nokia Lumia 710 hands-on”