Review-PDAir Leather Book Style Case for Nokia N900


There are cases and then there are luxurious cases like the ones manufactured by PDAir. The Nokia N900 Cases from PDAir are- A Leather Book Style Case, Leather Flip Style Case and a Leather Pouch Style Case. I will be reviewing the Leather Book Style Case today.

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Nokia N900 gets Android 2.3 Unoffically

Most Android devices out there waiting for Android 2.3 update. But the unexpected Nokia N900 Linux SuperPhone got its Android 2.3 unofficially. posted a week later that the port of 2.3 is on the line for N900.The hackers from NITDroid project have succesfully ported the Android 2.3 aka GingerBread to the Nokia N900.  The developers says that android core from 2.2 to 2.3 dont have major difference thats what made the port a bit easier. The stable version release will follow soon. The Froyo stable release for Nokia N900 will be out in few days. Continue reading “Nokia N900 gets Android 2.3 Unoffically”

FoneArena Smartphone Champion: Nokia N900

A few months ago, we started a competition on FoneArena, which is known as the FoneArena Smartphone Championship. There were total 16 contestants, and today we have the winner, and before announcing, FoneArena want to say thanks to everyone for voting, and keeping Continue reading “FoneArena Smartphone Champion: Nokia N900”

Smartphone Championship Grand Finale: Nokia N900 vs Samsung Galaxy S

It’s here folks, it’s finally here. I was waiting for the final match from a long time, and now we are heading to our final match. But lets talk about the previous match first. First round of Semi-final was between the Nokia N900 and Palm Pre, where Nokia N900 won by a very close margin, Continue reading “Smartphone Championship Grand Finale: Nokia N900 vs Samsung Galaxy S”

Smartphone Championship Semi Final: Nokia N900 vs Palm Pre

Okay folks, the FoneArena Smartphone Championship is going on very well, and now we are finally in Semi-Finals. The qualifiers for Semi-finals are the SE Xperia X10/ Samsung Galaxy S and Palm Pre/ Nokia N900. Continue reading “Smartphone Championship Semi Final: Nokia N900 vs Palm Pre”

Smartphone Championship: Nokia N900 vs BlackBerry Storm 2

The last match of FoneArena Smartphone Championship was between the Palm Pre and Nexus One, and I have a bad news for Android fans. Palm Pre beats Nexus One by a very big margin. Palm Pre got 625 votes, Continue reading “Smartphone Championship: Nokia N900 vs BlackBerry Storm 2”

Fennec Alpha Now Available For Android And Nokia N900

Mozilla has finally released the alpha version of its mobile browser Fennec for Nokia N900 and Android (2.x) devices. Fennec comes with some interesting features such as Firefox Sync, Add-ons and the Awesome Bar.

Mozilla has finally released the alpha version of its mobile browser Fennec for Nokia N900 and Android (2.x) devices. Fennec is the codename of Mozilla’s mobile project. This browser is built on the new “Electrolysis” and “Layers” technology which concentrates on increasing speed and responsiveness. Fennec is designed and optimized for browsing on a mobile device and it comes with some interesting features such as Firefox Sync, Add-ons and the Awesome Bar.

Continue reading “Fennec Alpha Now Available For Android And Nokia N900”

Smartphone Championship: Nokia N900 vs HTC HD2

The FoneArena Smartphone Championship is getting interesting and tough after every round. The last match was between the Droid X and Samsung GalaxyS, where Galaxy S takes the lead. Galaxy S won by 274 votes, and Droid X only got 134 votes, total votes are 408. Continue reading “Smartphone Championship: Nokia N900 vs HTC HD2”

Official Meego Release for Nokia N900 in the works

The Nokia and Intel joined hands  for a open source platform called MeegoMeego is a combination Of Intel’s Mobiln and Nokia’s Maemo. The Meego official site has revealed that the first meego release for Nokia ARM based Nokia N900 and for Intel Atom based netbooks is coming soon. Continue reading “Official Meego Release for Nokia N900 in the works”

Nokia N900 Enters USA at a price tag of 649 USD


Today, we come with great news for many of you. The Nokia N900 will start selling in the USA starting from today. The Nokia N900 has already begun shipping to customers who had pre-ordered it. The N900 is also expected to hit other countries in the coming weeks. Continue reading “Nokia N900 Enters USA at a price tag of 649 USD”

Win a N900 by Hacking it at Push N900

Push N900

After the mega launch of Nokia N900 at the Nokia World ‘09, Nokia has come up with an interesting contest for all the developers, hackers and modders called “PUSH N900“.

Nokia describes Push N900 as “An unique design, hacking & modding project from Nokia.  We want to give designers, hackers, modders, creatives and artists the chance to get their hands on, and heads inside, the new Nokia N900 & the Maemo platform – the most powerful pairing we’ve ever created”

Event brief

You will have to tell Nokia how you would hack and mod the N900 & Maemo to connect the N900 to something you love.  An expert judging panel will be selecting winning submissions and the groups behind the winning entries will receive N900 devices, funding and support to develop their PUSH idea. And once they’re complete, we’ll share them with the rest of the world with a series of installations in Nokia Flagship Stores across the globe.

Already a lot of buzz is present around Nokia N900 and this event is just going increase the buzz by many folds. Just imagine the quality of apps which will be created with a lot of hackers, modders and artist getting together to create apps for the Maemo OS.

Few companies like Hyper and have already got together and started working on a sample project for the PUSH N900 launch event. A project which dealt with a mashup of a Speak ‘n’ Spell, a Rolodex, 80’s radio tagger/ integration and 3D ViewMaster camera.

A Speak and Spell was used to text a message to a member of the audience, a Rolodex then identified a contact’s details after being manually spun and automatically pulled it up on the phone, an FM radio hack then identified any ‘80’s musician texted to the phone and connected to to pull up the relevant cover art as you tuned the radio to a station playing the selected artist’s music, and finally a View-Master which used Nokia N900 to create custom 3D photos.

Interested to create a similar mashup or create another unique application for Nokia N900? Then rush with your ideas/proposals here.

Submissions for Nokia PUSH N900 are accepted until October 5th 2009. The proposals can be either a video proposal, or a written proposal or even visual proposal. The winning submissions and the winners will be announced on October 25th 2009.

Submit Ideas for Nokia PUSH N900

Nokia N900 already up for preorder in USA for $649

In less than 48 hours of completion of Nokia World, The Nokia N900 is already up for sale in USA and is now available for preorder directly from the Nokia USA Online store.

As discussed in our Nokia World coverage, Nokia N900 is going to be the first Nokia mobile phone to run the Linux derived OS, Maemo.

Continue reading “Nokia N900 already up for preorder in USA for $649”
