Flipkart and Nokia have launched six new Nokia branded Smart TV in India. These include 32-inch HD, 43-inch Full HD and 43-inch, 50-inch, 55-inch and 65-inch 4K Ultra HD TV. These feature a diamond-cut bezel design, Micro Dimming and a MaxBrite Display for crisp detail with vibrant colours and Sound by Japanese brand Onkyo with 39W speakers that includes 24 W QuatroX speakers, along with 15 W tweeters in the 32-inch HD, 43-inch HD and Full HD models. Continue reading “Nokia 32-inch HD, 43-inch FHD, 43, 50, 55 and 65-inch 4K TVs with Onkyo audio launched in India starting at Rs. 12999”
Tag: Nokia Smart TV
Nokia 55-inch 4K HDR LED Smart Android TV with Dolby Vision, JBL audio launched in India for Rs. 41999
Flipkart and Nokia just launched its first Nokia branded Smart TV in India, as it had promised as a part of ‘Make in India’ initiative. The 55-inch 4K Ultra HD TV has a bezel-less design offering infinity-edge viewing experience. It has HDR 10 support, MEMC technology, intelligent dimming, wide color gamut and Dolby Vision. The TV has built-in 24 watt speakers on the bottom with DTS TruSurround, Dolby Audio and audio optimizations from JBL for deep bass. Continue reading “Nokia 55-inch 4K HDR LED Smart Android TV with Dolby Vision, JBL audio launched in India for Rs. 41999”