HMD Global today launched the XR20, the company’s latest rugged smartphone, in India after teasing it last week. It is a waterproof phone (IP68) with a sleek casing that is made to the MIL-STD-810H military standard, has 1.5m drop protection, can be submerged to depths of 1.5m for 30 minutes, and the company says that it is built for conditions far harsher than the rough and tumble of everyday life. Continue reading “Nokia XR20 rugged 5G phone with 6.67-inch FHD+ display, IP68 waterproof body launched in India for Rs. 46999”
Tag: Nokia XR20 price
Nokia XR20 rugged 5G phone with 6.67-inch FHD+ display, IP68 waterproof body launching in India next week
HMD Global today started teasing the launch of Nokia XR20, the company’s latest rugged Android smartphone in India next week, after it was introduced back in July. It also confirmed that pre-bookings for the phone will begin October 20th. Continue reading “Nokia XR20 rugged 5G phone with 6.67-inch FHD+ display, IP68 waterproof body launching in India next week”
Nokia XR20 rugged 5G smartphone with 6.67-inch FHD+ display, military-grade durability, IP68 waterproof body announced
HMD Global today announced Nokia XR20, the company’s first rugged smartphone in the new XR series, as expected. It is a waterproof phone (IP68) with a sleek casing that is made to the MIL-STD-810H military standard, has 1.5m drop protection, can be submerged to depths of 1.5m for 30 minutes, and the company says that it is built for conditions far harsher than the rough and tumble of everyday life. Continue reading “Nokia XR20 rugged 5G smartphone with 6.67-inch FHD+ display, military-grade durability, IP68 waterproof body announced”