OnePlus just launched the Nord Buds CE, the company’s first Nord series TWS earbuds in India, as it had promised. It has Bluetooth 5.2 and comes with 94ms ultra low latency for gaming, similar to the Nord Buds, but this has a large 13.4mm titanium dynamic drivers tuned for rich bass. Instead of an in-ear design, this has a semi in-ear design, says the company. The earphones support touch controls. Continue reading “OnePlus Nord Buds CE with Bluetooth 5.2, 13.4mm drivers, fast charge launched in India for Rs. 2299”
Tag: Nord Buds CE
OnePlus Nord Buds CE launching in India on August 1
After the launch of Nord Buds in April, OnePlus today confirmed the launch of Nord Buds CE in India on August 1st. It has the tag line ‘Let the beat drop’, so we can expect enhanced bass. The company said that the Nord Buds CE will bolster Nord’s hold within the entry-level TWS segment and aim to make the signature OnePlus audio technology and experience more accessible to a wider range of audiophiles across the country. Continue reading “OnePlus Nord Buds CE launching in India on August 1”