Samsung Electronics at the CES 2019 event unveiled two new Notebook PCs; the Samsung Notebook 9 Pro and the Samsung Notebook Flash. The Notebook 9 Pro is powered by the 8th Gen Intel Core i7-8565U processor and packs a 13.3-inch Full HD display with 6.7mm bezel. Continue reading “Samsung Notebook 9 Pro with 8th Gen Intel Core i7 processor and Notebook Flash announced”
Tag: Notebook 9 Pro
Samsung introduces new Notebook 9 Pro with built-in S Pen stylus, 360-degree rotating touch display
Samsung at the Computex 2017 introduced new 13.3-inch and 15-inch Notebook 9 Pro models. The main highlight of new Notebook 9 Pro is its 13.3″ / 15.0″ 1080p display with Touch Screen Panel that can be rotated 360-degrees to use in notebook or tablet mode and built-in S Pen with a 0.7mm tip that cab detect more than 4,000 levels of pressure and tilt that lets you write or draw in the most comfortable position. Continue reading “Samsung introduces new Notebook 9 Pro with built-in S Pen stylus, 360-degree rotating touch display”