nubia M2 Lite, the company’s latest smartphone in the latest ‘M2 Series’ has been launched in India, couple of months after its was introduced in China. It has a 5.5-inch HD display with 2.5D curved glass display, is powered by an Octa-Core MediaTek MT6750 processor, runs on Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) with nubia UI 4.0 on top. It has a 16-megapixel front-facing camera with ISOCELL CMOS sensor, f/2.0 aperture, 79.8-degree wide-angle lens and a soft LED flash. It also has a 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash and PDAF. Continue reading “nubia M2 Lite with 16MP front camera, 4GB RAM launched in India for Rs. 13999”