ZTE’s nubia brand just announced nubia Play, the company’s latest mid-range smartphone in China, as it had promised. It packs a 6.65-inch FHD+ AMOLED display with 144Hz refresh rate and 240Hz touch sampling rate, up to 4096 levels of automatic brightness adjustment, is powered by Snapdragon 765G with support for 5G SA/NSA dual-mode, ICE2.5 rack-mounted liquid cooling system with 61mm large liquid cooling tube and various heat dissipation materials such as thermally conductive graphite, gel, copper foil, etc. that can bring down the temperature by up to 16° C. Continue reading “Nubia Play with 6.65-inch FHD+ 144Hz AMOLED display, Snapdragon 765G, quad rear cameras, 5100mAh battery announced”