nubia Z11 with Snapdragon 820, 6GB RAM and N1 with 5000mAh battery launched in India for Rs. 29999 and Rs. 11999

nubia has launched Z11 and N1 smartphones in India, as it had promised. The nubia Z11 that was introduced back in June in China has a 5.5-inch 1080p 2.5D border-less display, is powered by Snapdragon 820 processor and packs 6GB of RAM. The nubia N1 has a 5.5-inch 1080p display and packs a 5000mAh battery. Both the phones have a unibody metal design. Continue reading “nubia Z11 with Snapdragon 820, 6GB RAM and N1 with 5000mAh battery launched in India for Rs. 29999 and Rs. 11999”