OnePlus has slashed the price of both the OnePlus 2 and OnePlus X smartphones, ahead of the launch of the flagship OnePlus 3 smartphone next month. Both the phones have received a $50 price cut, so these are now available for $299 and $199, respectively. This is the second price cut for the OnePlus 2, which got a $40 permanent price cut earlier this year from the launch price of $389. Continue reading “OnePlus 2 and OnePlus X get a $50 price cut ahead of OnePlus 3 launch”
Tag: OnePlus 2 price cut
OnePlus 2 gets a permanent Rs. 2000 price cut in India, now starts at Rs. 20999
OnePlus has finally reduced the price of its flagship OnePlus 2 smartphone in India by Rs. 2,000 on Amazon, a month after it reduced the price on its global portal To remind you, the OnePlus 2 4GB RAM with 64GB storage variant was launched in India at Rs. 24,999 last year and the 16GB variant with 3GB of RAM went on sale earlier this year in the country. Continue reading “OnePlus 2 gets a permanent Rs. 2000 price cut in India, now starts at Rs. 20999”
OnePlus 2 64GB gets a permanent price cut to $349
OnePlus slashed the price of OnePlus One smartphone permanently by $50 last year. Today the company has announced a $40 permanent price cut for the 64GB variant of the OnePlus 2 smartphone, which is now available for $349. “Additionally anyone who purchased the OnePlus 2 within the last 15 days, will be seeing a refund in price ($40, or the equivalent in your currency) in their account,” said the company. Continue reading “OnePlus 2 64GB gets a permanent price cut to $349”