OnePlus has showcased its first Prototype Smartphone powered by Snapdragon 855 at the MWC, as it had promised. OnePlus said that it has been using the latest Snapdragon 8 series Mobile Platforms since the release of the OnePlus One. The Snapdragon 855 Mobile Platform combined with the Snapdragon X50 5G modem and Qualcomm RF Front-End solutions to power the phone.
Tag: OnePlus 5G Phone
OnePlus will launch 5G smartphones in 2019: Carl Pei
The upcoming OnePlus 6T might that will go official later this month might not faeture 5G support. OnePlus co-founder Carl Pei at the 4G/5G Summit 2018 in Hong Kong announced that OnePlus will be one of the first companies to launch 5G smartphones next year. He also said that OnePlus and his team had already conducted a 5G test at Qualcomm’s headquarters in San Diego back in August.
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