OnePlus introduced its OnePlus 7 smartphone last month. We already brought you the unboxing of the phone, here we have the benchmarks of the smartphone. The OnePlus 7 is powered by an Octa-Core Snapdragon 855 7nm Mobile Platform with that has a tri-cluster architecture with 1 x Kryo 485 Prime CPU (A76-based) at up to 2.84GHz, 3 x Kryo 485 Performance CPUs (A76-based) at up to 2.42GHz and 4x Kryo 485 Efficiency CPUs (A55-based) at up to 1.80GHz and has Adreno 640 GPU, 8GB LPDDR4x RAM and 256GB UFS 3.0 storage. Continue reading “OnePlus 7 Benchmarks and Gaming Review”