OnePlus has finally started selling the OnePlus Cardboard in India on, as it promised. It costs Rs. 99 with additional shipping charge of Rs.40 for standard delivery. You can pay more for in-a-day or two-day delivery depending on your location. Order is limited to one per Amazon account. Continue reading “OnePlus Cardboard headset goes on sale in India on Amazon for Rs. 99”
Tag: OnePlus Cardboard India
OnePlus Cardboard headset will be available on July 3, coming to India July 3rd week on Amazon
OnePlus recently announced that it will unveil its second flagship smartphone, the OnePlus 2, at a virtual reality event on July 27th. It also said that it has created a custom cardboard VR headsets that has been tailored perfectly for the OnePlus One smartphone. Today the company has announced that OnePlus Cardboards will be available in limited quantity on July 3rd through global OnePlus Store for free with standard shipping cost.