OnePlus launched the OnePlus One smartphone in India yesterday for Rs. 21,999. Now the OnePlus JBL E1+ Earphones, Silver Bullet Earphones, Flip covers, Protective clear case and screen protector are available in India from online retailer Amazon. The OnePlus JBL E1+ Earphones was introduced in October in partnership with JBL. Continue reading “OnePlus JBL E1+ Earphones, Silver Bullet Earphones and Flip covers go on sale in India”
Tag: OnePlus JBL E1+
OnePlus partners with JBL to introduce JBL E1+ Earphones
OnePlus did not announce a speaker in partnership with JBL as we expected, but it has has unveiled JBL E1+ Earphones at the event in China. The new in-ear Earphones have premium 9mm JBL drivers with PureBass technology that promises crystal clear sound, full-range frequency response. It has angled ear-tubes, multiple eartip sizes and has in-line three-button remote with microphone that lets you answer calls, skip tracks and take pictures. Continue reading “OnePlus partners with JBL to introduce JBL E1+ Earphones”