OnePlus has finally launched the Bamboo StyleSwap Cover for the OnePlus smartphone. It was introduced last year and is damp-proof, flame retardant and scratch resistant. Each Bamboo StyleSwap Cover is one of a kind, complete with its own distinct set of fibers, nodes, and colors. The production time involves 21 days and 28 different procedures which include drying, carbonising, polishing and laser cut finishing to finally carve it into place, said the company. Continue reading “OnePlus One Bamboo StyleSwap Cover launched in India for Rs. 1499”
Tag: OnePlus One Bamboo StyleSwap Cover
OnePlus One Bamboo StyleSwap Cover Photo Gallery
OnePlus One, which is popularly known as the flagship killer has been quite a hit in India since its launch. We have already reviewed the OnePlus One smartphone. Here we have photo gallery of the bamboo StyleSwap back cover for the phone that shows the device from all angles. Continue reading “OnePlus One Bamboo StyleSwap Cover Photo Gallery”