OnePlus launched the OnePlus One smartphone in India earlier this week exclusively on Amazon at a price tag of Rs. 21,999. Even though we unboxed the global variant of the OnePlus One and reviewed it few months back, we decided to get the Indian variant of the OnePlus One from Amazon to find out what has changed. Check out the unboxing video.
Tag: OnePlus One Unboxing
OnePlus One Unboxing and First Impressions
OnePlus, a technology startup announced the OnePlus One, the company’s first smartphone after a lot of hype. We managed to get an invite to buy the phone. The phone packs top-end specifications and premium build, but comes at a competitive price of just $299 for the 16GB variant and $349 for the 64GB variant. The company calls it as “2014 flagship killer”. We have the 64GB variant in Sandstone Blackcolor. It runs on CyanogenMod 11S based on Android 4.4 (KitKat). Here is the video to show you what the device looks – Continue reading “OnePlus One Unboxing and First Impressions”