OnePlus today launched its new OnePlus Y1S and Y1S Edge in the Y series in India, as it had announced. There are Four models — OnePlus TV Y1S and Y1S Edge have 32-inch HD and 43-inch Full HD models. These feature HDR10+, HDR10, as well as HLG format, and the OnePlus TV Y1S Edge comes with the TÜV Rheinland certification, thereby ensuring vision protection with reduced blue light emission while providing relief from eye fatigue. Continue reading “OnePlus TV Y1S and Y1S Edge 32″ HD and 43″ FHD models with Android TV 11, ALLM, bezel-less design launched in India starting at Rs. 16499”
Tag: OnePlus TV Y1S
OnePlus Nord CE 2 5G, OnePlus TV Y1S / Y1S Edge India launch details: All you need to know
It’s time for OnePlus fans to rejoice! OnePlus is launching two products in India on February 17th. Well, if you are tracking the tech world closely, you should’ve known by now that OnePlus Nord CE 2 5G will be made official. Continue reading “OnePlus Nord CE 2 5G, OnePlus TV Y1S / Y1S Edge India launch details: All you need to know”
OnePlus TV Y1S and Y1S Edge with bezel-less design teased ahead of India launch
OnePlus today announced that it will launch the OnePlus TV Y1S and Y1S Edge, two new smart TV models in India, later this month in an online event. The company launched the OnePlus Y1 in the country back in May last year. Continue reading “OnePlus TV Y1S and Y1S Edge with bezel-less design teased ahead of India launch”