Tencent introduces new operating system for mobile devices

China’s Tencent Holdings Ltd has launched an operating system for internet connected devices, smartphones and TV.  The move comes from the company as it wants to take on rivals like Alibaba and Xiaomi.

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Blackberry 10 to launch with 70,000 apps in App world

Apps have become important for every mobile operating system, thanks to Apple and iOS, both Andorid and iOS now have more than half a million applications and one of the places where Blackberry failed at their O.S and smartphones before was the category of apps available. Now, Frank Boulben, the CMO of RIM has stated that consumers can expect more than 70,000 apps for the Blackberry 10 at launch.

Now 70,000 applications is really good news, but it also matters whether these applications are actually useful or are just useless. The quality of this application also matters, as developers have already shifted to platforms which is more popular like Android and iOS, so it is important to know whether they will devote time to make the experience of users better or not. Blackberry 10 is set to launch on Jan 30 2013, and it is a very important launch for RIM which will decided their survival. Let us know what you guys think of the apps and Blackberry 10 in our comments section.

Google looking to apply their Nexus 7 success strategy to smartphones

Among all the Android tablets, Nexus 7 came out as the winner and most popular device, mainly because of the low price but good hardware and also due to better Hardware – Software integration. Now Google is looking to replicate this exact success formula to their Nexus smartphone strategy, read on for knowing more about it.

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Windows Mobile 6.1 is here!

Microsoft launched the newest version of the Windows Mobile 6.1 Operating System for mobiles.
A new version of the Internet Explorer Mobile was also launched, which adds desktop-grade Web browsing to Windows Mobile phones.

Features of the new software: New timesaving features, easier phone navigation and management, and increased security safeguards.

“People want a single phone that’s flexible enough to meet their needs throughout their day, whether it’s connecting to work or your everyday life,” said Robbie Bach, president of the Entertainment and Devices Division at Microsoft. “The innovations we’ve added to our Windows Mobile software ultimately make it easier to manage your world.” Continue reading “Windows Mobile 6.1 is here!”