OPPO has launched the OPPO A3 Pro 5G, the company’s latest 5G smartphone, in India. It has a 6.67-inch HD+ LCD screen with 120Hz refresh rate, and up to 1,000 nits peak brightness, which it says is the brightest in the segment. Continue reading “OPPO A3 Pro 5G with 6.67″ 120Hz display, Dimensity 6300, 5100mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 17,999”
Tag: OPPO A3 Pro 5G
OPPO A3 Pro with 6.7″ FHD+120Hz OLED curved display, IP69 ratings to be announced on April 12
OPPO has announced the release date of its new OPPO A3 Pro 5G smartphone in China this week. The phone boasts a dustproof and waterproof body with an IP69 rating, along with a display that’s both waterproof and resistant to falls. Continue reading “OPPO A3 Pro with 6.7″ FHD+120Hz OLED curved display, IP69 ratings to be announced on April 12”