OPPO just launched the A53s 5G, the company’s latest budget 5G smartphone in India, as it had promised. It has a 6.5-inch HD+ screen with 88.7% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 700 SoC with up to 8GB of RAM and runs ColorOS 11.1 based on Android 11. It has RAM-expansion feature that re-optimises the unused RAM to improve the performance of this smartphone. Continue reading “OPPO A53s 5G with 6.5-inch display, Dimensity 700, up to 8GB RAM, 5000mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 14990”
Tag: OPPO A53s 5G
OPPO A53s 5G with Dimensity 700 launching in India on April 27 priced under Rs. 15,000
OPPO today announced that it will launch A53s 5G, the company’s new budget 5G smartphone in India on April 27th. This will be priced under Rs. 15,000, cheaper than the A74 5G which was launched in India earlier this week priced at Rs. 17990. The company has also confirmed that it will be powered by MediaTek Dimensity 700 SoC, which made it debut in India with the realme 8 5G yesterday. Continue reading “OPPO A53s 5G with Dimensity 700 launching in India on April 27 priced under Rs. 15,000”