Last week, OPPO teased the launch of its flagship Find X2 Series in India soon. The launch date hasn’t been revealed yet, but prior to the launch, Amazon India has listed a variant of the OPPO Find X2 and the possible price in India has also been hinted.
Tag: OPPO Find X2 India
OPPO is testing 5G on Find X2 at Hyderabad R&D facility ahead of India launch
OPPO’s upcoming smartphone Find X2 series has been in the limelight for quite some time now. If you are unaware, the company had planned the launch at MWC 2020 in Barcelona, but following the conference’s cancellation due to the Corona outbreak, the date has been postponed to March 6th. Continue reading “OPPO is testing 5G on Find X2 at Hyderabad R&D facility ahead of India launch”