OPPO launched Reno5 5G smartphones in China recently, now the 4G version of the phone Reno5 4G has surfaced in live images. This reveals the design of the phone along with specifications including a 6.4-inch 90Hz refresh rate screen single punch-hole that houses a 44-megapixel front camera, in-display fingerprint scanner, Snapdragon 720G with 8GB of RAM, Android 11 with ColorOS 11.1 on top, 64-megapixel rear camera, 8-megapixel ultra-wide camera, a 2-megapixel macro and a 2-megapixel mono sensor. Continue reading “OPPO Reno5 4G with 6.4-inch FHD+ 90Hz AMOLED display, 64MP quad rear cameras, 44MP front camera surfaces”