Along with the Reno8, OPPO also launched the Reno8 Pro smartphone in India, as it had promised. It has a 6.7-inch Full HD+ 120Hz AMOLED screen compared t0 90Hz in the predecessor and replaces the Dimensity 1200-Max in the Reno7 Pro with Dimensity 8100-Max. It has 12GB of RAM and OPPO’s Ultra-Conductive Graphite Cooling System improves cooling by 45% over traditional graphite for an even extra bump in performance, said the company. Continue reading “OPPO Reno8 Pro with 6.7″ FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, Dimensity 8100-Max, 12GB RAM launched in India for Rs. 45,999”
Tag: OPPO Reno 8 Pro India
OPPO Reno8 and Reno8 Pro launching in India on July 18
Update: OPPO has confirmed the launch of Rreno8 series in India on July 18th. It said that it has adopted the Golden Ratio from Sacred Geometry as the philosophy for its Reno8 Pro. Continue reading “OPPO Reno8 and Reno8 Pro launching in India on July 18”