Along with the Reno4 Pro, OPPO just launched its OPPO Watch, the company’s first smartwatch with WearOS by Google in India, as it had promised. The 46mm version has a 1.91-inch 3D flexible AMOLED 326 PPI Retina display with 100% P3 wide color gamut, has 50 meter water resistance. The 41mm version has a 1.6-inch 301 PPI AMOLED screen and comes with 30 meter water resistance. These use Snapdragon 3100 & Apollo 3 dual processors with Wi-Fi support, but doesn’t have eSIM like the Chinese version. Continue reading “OPPO Watch with Wear OS, AMOLED screen, Snapdragon 3100 & Apollo 3 dual processors launched in India starting from Rs. 14990”