Asus unveiled the Padfone Mini 4.3, the company’s first Padfone device with a smaller smartphone and docking station. We brought you the unboxing recently, here we have the benchmarks of the device. The phone has a quad-core Snapdragon 400 (MSM8226) ARM Cortex-A7 processor clocked at 1.40 GHz with Adreno 305 GPU, bit faster than the Motorola Moto G and the Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 that were clocked around 1.2 GHz. The phone has a 4.3-inch (960 x 540 pixels) qHD IPS screen and runs on Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean). et’s find out how the device performs in a range of synthetic benchmark tests. Continue reading “Asus Padfone Mini 4.3 Benchmarks”