Wireless charging: The future or a passing fad?


Wireless charging, much like many other technologies that find their ways into the hands of the everyday consumer has a long and unspectacular past. First attempted, at least in the public sphere, in the early 1900’s by one Nikolas Tesla, whose many brilliant ideas and even more spectacular failures (this being one of them) coloured a rather interesting period in innovation and developments for consumer-facing products. The idea was revived in the mid-2000’s by a number of independent individuals working out of MIT, Jeff Lieberman and Marin Soljacic and team. Wireless power transmission is a bit of a misnomer as wires are almost certainly involved in nearly every step of the way with the sole exception being the wire usually linking the power supply to the “sink” which is the device using the power in the first place.

Continue reading “Wireless charging: The future or a passing fad?”

Keyboard-less webOS phone leaked, Pre 3 headed to Verizon

WebOS was announced by Palm back in January 2009, and last year it was acquired by HP. Back in February, HP officially announced several new devices which include their first ever webOS tablet Touchpad and successor to Pre 2 known as Pre 3. Now our friends over at PreCentral got their hands on the images of two new WebOS phones. Continue reading “Keyboard-less webOS phone leaked, Pre 3 headed to Verizon”

Palm Pre, Pre Plus, Pixi, Pixi Plus to receive webOS 2.0 in coming months

HP recently launched the Palm Pre 2, which is a successor to the Palm Pre, and the Palm Pre 2 is the first phone to run webOS 2.0. There are a lot of Palm Pre and Palm Pixi owners out there, and they only want to know one thing, and that is “Is their Palm Pre/Pixi getting webOS 2.0?”. Continue reading “Palm Pre, Pre Plus, Pixi, Pixi Plus to receive webOS 2.0 in coming months”

Palm Pre 2 hitting AT&T and Rogers ?

Yesterday, HP officially announced the Palm Pre 2 along with the new WebOS 2.0. As we know that the Palm Pre 2 is a successor to Palm Pre, and the phone is already headed to SFR France, Verizon Wireless, and an unknown carrier in Canada. Everyone in Canada Continue reading “Palm Pre 2 hitting AT&T and Rogers ?”

Smartphone Championship Semi Final: Nokia N900 vs Palm Pre

Okay folks, the FoneArena Smartphone Championship is going on very well, and now we are finally in Semi-Finals. The qualifiers for Semi-finals are the SE Xperia X10/ Samsung Galaxy S and Palm Pre/ Nokia N900. Continue reading “Smartphone Championship Semi Final: Nokia N900 vs Palm Pre”

Smartphone Championship: Nokia N900 vs BlackBerry Storm 2

The last match of FoneArena Smartphone Championship was between the Palm Pre and Nexus One, and I have a bad news for Android fans. Palm Pre beats Nexus One by a very big margin. Palm Pre got 625 votes, Continue reading “Smartphone Championship: Nokia N900 vs BlackBerry Storm 2”

Smartphone Championship: HTC Droid Incredible vs Palm Pre

Well folks, the first match was between the Nexus One and the Apple iPhone 3GS, and Nexus One won by a good margin. Nexus One won clocking 266 votes, whereas Apple iPhone 3GS got only 119 votes, and total number of votes were 385. Continue reading “Smartphone Championship: HTC Droid Incredible vs Palm Pre”

Palm Pre Released on O2 UK!


The Apple iPhone competitor from Palm has finally arrived in the UK. The Palm Pre is now available in the UK on the O2 network.

You can get the Palm Pre on a two year contract for 34.26 pounds (56 US $) a month. The plan allows unlimited data, 600 talktime minutes and 500 text messages. You can also opt for other contract plans like the 18 month plans but the pricing policies change. Continue reading “Palm Pre Released on O2 UK!”

Sprint: Palm Pre to be launched on June 6th for $200

Calling all palm pre lovers there. Finally, the celebration time has come and Sprint has officially announced the launch of Palm Pre and, as said earlier, the launch date is June 6th and also the price is fixed to be $200 with 2 years service contract. Continue reading “Sprint: Palm Pre to be launched on June 6th for $200”

Images of Palm Pre Box Leaked

Palm Pre is the most anticipated phone in USA and also by touchscreen fans worldwide .

You saw the Pre Unboxed

But here are some pics of the packaging of Palm Pre which are of the original one for sure! Have a look..


-Palm pre’s look from back side inside the box Continue reading “Images of Palm Pre Box Leaked”