Telegram now lets you share disappearing photo and videos

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Telegram has received a new update that allows users to send disappearing photos and videos. The update which bumps the app to version 4.2 will let users set a self-destruct timer for any photos and videos shared in private chats. In addition, the app also gets some new photo editing tools.
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Sony Xperia Z5 Dual Review


As someone who writes about smartphones and gadgets for a living, you are bound to have come across almost every device that releases in the market. In the case of the Sony Xperia family, I had the pleasure of not just using but owning almost every flagship device released in the Z family. This includes the Z, Z Ultra, Z1, Z2 and Z3 in that order.

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Meizu M1 Note Photo gallery

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As we reported earlier, Meizu is set to enter the Indian smartphone market soon. Although an exact date is not known yet, we will be sure to let you know as soon as we hear any info. For now, we have some images of the M1 Note that we took during our hands on with the device recently. The M1 Note is reported to be one of the devices that will be introduced to the Indian market initially. We hope the images help you get a better understanding of the device.

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Photos of HTC’s RECamera revealed ahead of launch on October 8

Yesterday, HTC released a video teasing its upcoming product launch on October 8. It is expected that the company will launch a GoPro camera competitor at the event next month. Today, a couple of images of the camera have been taken from the RECamera website.

HTC-RECamera Continue reading “Photos of HTC’s RECamera revealed ahead of launch on October 8”

Full specs of the Samsung Galaxy Alpha confirmed in latest leak

We have been hearing a number of details and rumors about Samsung’s upcoming smartphone ‘Galaxy Alpha’ for quiet some time now. The phone which was recently approved by FCC was spotted in white color with metal sides last week.

galaxy-alpha-specifications Continue reading “Full specs of the Samsung Galaxy Alpha confirmed in latest leak”