LG’s G3, the company’s latest flagship device, was announced on May 27th, with a quad HD display and laser autofocus touted as its USPs. The much awaited successor to G2 predictably packs bleeding edge specifications, in a bid to compete against other premium flagship devices like the Samsung Galaxy S5 and the HTC One M8. The device, with a 5.5″ display, still follows its predecessor when it comes to being sleeker than usual with a super thin bezel around an amazingly sharp display. Packed to the brim with most wanted features, with even a removable battery and a slot for micro SD cards, the G3 aims to be do-it-all this time, and has fewer compromises for a large set of people. We obviously couldn’t wait for the Indian launch, so we went ahead and got one from our friends at Clove UK, and as with every device we get, here is a video to show you what the device looks like, fresh out of the box –
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