Google just announced new Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro 5G smartphones at its fall launch event, as promised. The Pixel 6 comes with a 6.4-inch FHD+ OLED display with 90Hz refresh rate, and the Pixel 6 Pro comes with a 6.7-inch Quad HD+ OLED display with 120Hz variable refresh rate. Both the smartphones are powered by Google Tensor SoC with support for 5G SA/NSA and come with Titan M2 Security chip. These run Android 12, and Google has confirmed that starting with Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, Pixels will receive security updates for at least 5 years, but OS updates is at 3 years. Continue reading “Google Pixel 6 with 6.4″ FHD+ 90Hz OLED display and Pixel 6 Pro with 6.7″ QHD+ 120Hz OLED display, Google Tensor SoC announced starting at $599”
Tag: Pixel 6
Google Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro listing confirms IP68 ratings, five years security updates, support for 30W wired and up to 23W wireless charging
Google already confirmed that it will introduce the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro smartphones on October 19th. Even though most specifications of the smartphone is out, now the product page is out on Carphone Warehouse site that reveals more details about the phones. This confirms Android security updates for at least five years, but it is not clear if this will also be the same for Android OS updates, as rumored earlier. Continue reading “Google Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro listing confirms IP68 ratings, five years security updates, support for 30W wired and up to 23W wireless charging”
Google Pixel 6 Pro with 6.7-inch Quad HD+ 120Hz OLED display, 12GB RAM, 5000mAh battery and Pixel 6 to be announced on October 19
After rumours, Google has officially announced that the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro smartphones will be announced on October 19th, as rumoured earlier. We already know that the phone’s will use own Tensor SoC, and the company has posted press shots of the phones officially. The Pixel 6 will feature an aluminium frame with matte finish, and the Pixel 6 Pro will come with a polished aluminium frame. Continue reading “Google Pixel 6 Pro with 6.7-inch Quad HD+ 120Hz OLED display, 12GB RAM, 5000mAh battery and Pixel 6 to be announced on October 19”
Google Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro with Tensor SoC, upgraded cameras, aluminium frame teased ahead of launch
After rumours, Google has officially confirmed the launch of Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro smartphones later this fall. The company has also confirmed the design of the phones in images, and also said that these will use new Tensor SoC, which was earlier rumoured to be called “GS101”, codenamed “Whitechapel”. Both these will have an aluminium frame with matte finish on the Pixel 6 and the Pixel 6 Pro will come with a polished aluminium frame. Continue reading “Google Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro with Tensor SoC, upgraded cameras, aluminium frame teased ahead of launch”
Google reportedly testing Ultra-wideband support with the Pixel 6
Last month, rumours surfaced about Google working on their own custom-designed processor for smartphones, codenamed “Whitechapel” or GS101. According to Mishaal Rahman, who is the editor-in-chief at XDA, Google is testing support for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology on a device codenamed “Raven”, which is rumoured to be powered by the GS101 SoC.
Continue reading “Google reportedly testing Ultra-wideband support with the Pixel 6”