Google added 5G support for Pixel 6a, Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro users on Airtel and Jio in India with the QPR beta 2 update in January. With the latest March Pixel feature drop that rolled out for Pixel phones yesterday, 5G support is now available for all the users running the stable release, as it had promised. Continue reading “Pixel 6a and Pixel 7 series finally get 5G support in India”
Tag: Pixel 7 Pro 5G India
Pixel 6a and Pixel 7 series get 5G support in India with QPR beta 2 update, wide roll out by March
After several months, Google has finally added 5G support for both Airtel and Jio users in India with the latest QPR beta 2 update, which rolled out earlier this week that also brought several new features. The December Pixel feature drop was expected to bring the 5G support for the users in India, but now it is finally available with the beta. Continue reading “Pixel 6a and Pixel 7 series get 5G support in India with QPR beta 2 update, wide roll out by March”