POCO has launched the C51, the company’s latest budget smartphone in the C series in India, as it had promised. It has a 6.52″ HD+ LCD screen, but this replaces the Helio G35 from the C31 with the Helio G36 SoC, which is a slightly overclocked version. Continue reading “POCO C51 with 6.52″ display, Helio G36, 5000mAh battery launched in India for Rs. 8499”
Tag: POCO C51
POCO C51 with 6.52″ display, Helio G36, 5000mAh battery launching in India on April 7
After the launch of POCO C50 in January, and the C55 in February, POCO has confirmed the launch of C51 budget smartphone in India on April 7th. The company has confirmed 4GB of RAM with 3GB of extended RAM for the phone. The design and other specifications are similar to the Redmi A2+ that was introduced recently. Continue reading “POCO C51 with 6.52″ display, Helio G36, 5000mAh battery launching in India on April 7”