POCO just launched the POCO M3 Pro 5G, the company’s latest mid-range 5G smartphone in India, as it had promised. It packs a 6.5-inch FHD+ 90Hz DynamicSwitch DotDisplay that is capable of adjusting to content automatically (30Hz/50Hz/60Hz/90Hz), has 91% screen-to-body ratio and a 8MP front camera inside the punch-hole. It is powered by Dimensity 700 SoC with up to 6GB of RAM. Continue reading “POCO M3 Pro 5G with 6.5-inch FHD+ 90Hz display, Dimensity 700, up to 6GB RAM, 5000mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 13999”
Tag: POCO M3 Pro 5G
POCO M3 Pro 5G with 6.5-inch FHD+ 90Hz display, Dimensity 700 launching in India on June 8
POCO just confirmed the launch of the company first 5G phone in India, the POCO M3 Pro 5G on June 8th. As usual, it will be sold on Flipkart after the launch. It was introduced for global markets last month and is actually a version of the Redmi Note 10 5G with a new design. Continue reading “POCO M3 Pro 5G with 6.5-inch FHD+ 90Hz display, Dimensity 700 launching in India on June 8”
POCO M3 Pro 5G with 6.5-inch FHD+ 90Hz display, Dimensity 700, up to 6GB RAM, 5000mAh battery announced
POCO just announced the POCO M3 Pro 5G, the company’s latest mid-range 5G smartphone in a global event, as it had promised. It packs a 6.5-inch FHD+ 90Hz DynamicSwitch DotDisplay that is capable of adjusting to content automatically – from static content viewing at 50Hz, streaming video at 60Hz to scrolling social media feeds or gaming at up to 90Hz, has 91% screen-to-body ratio and a 8MP front camera inside the punch-hole. It is powered by Dimensity 700 SoC with up to 6GB of RAM. Continue reading “POCO M3 Pro 5G with 6.5-inch FHD+ 90Hz display, Dimensity 700, up to 6GB RAM, 5000mAh battery announced”
POCO M3 Pro 5G with MediaTek Dimensity SoC, unique design to be announced on May 19
Update: POCO has confirmed that it will introduce the M3 Pro 5G in a global event on May 19th. The event will start at 2PM CEST (5:30PM IST). As usual, it will offer live stream on its social channels. The press image of the phone has also surfaced online. Continue reading “POCO M3 Pro 5G with MediaTek Dimensity SoC, unique design to be announced on May 19”
POCO M3 Pro 5G will be a rebranded Redmi Note 10 5G reveals FCC; BIS listing hints at India launch
Redmi Note 10 5G was introduced along the Note 10 Pro last month. Now the phone has been certified by the FCC which also reveals that the Redmi phone with the model number M2103K19G will be launched in select Asian markets as M2103K19PG under POCO which will be called the POCO M3 Pro 5G according to IMEI listing. Continue reading “POCO M3 Pro 5G will be a rebranded Redmi Note 10 5G reveals FCC; BIS listing hints at India launch”