POCO just launched the POCO X3, the company’s latest mid-range smartphone in the X series and the successor of the popular POCO X2 in India as it had promised. It packs a 6.67-inch Full HD+ LCD screen with 3.8mm punch-hole screen that houses a 20-megapixel camera, 120Hz refresh rate with Dynamic switching between 120Hz, 90Hz, 60Hz or 50Hz and has 240Hz touch sampling rate. It is powered by Snapdragon 732G SoC with up to 8GB of RAM, comes with liquid cooling plus that combines an enlarged copper heat pipe with multiple layers of graphite to reduce the heat of the phone’s processor by up to an additional 6°C, and runs Android 10 with MIUI 12 on top. Continue reading “POCO X3 with 6.67-inch FHD+ 120Hz display, Snapdragon 732G, up to 8GB RAM, 6000mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 16999”