Apple received 94% of all profits from the smartphone industry during Q3 2015


Most of us would probably know that Apple make huge profits from their smartphone sales. But what is shocking is the amount of profit they make when you compare it to the entire smartphone industry. Apparently, Apple received 94% of all the profits generated in the smartphone industry during Q3 2015.

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Apple made 92% of the profits in the smartphone industry during Q1 2015 – Samsung follows behind with 15%


While Apple had managed to rake in 65% of the smartphone industry’s operating income last year, this year it seems to have done even better as it has managed to take in 92% of all the profits made in the smartphone industry.

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Samsung expects 37% decrease in profits for Q4, 2014

Samsung revealed its preliminary earnings guidance that it is expecting 37% decrease in profits for the Q4, 2014. The company stated that operating profit for the October-December period was estimated at 5.2 trillion won (USD 4.7 billion), down 37.4 per cent from the fourth quarter of 2013.

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HTC Q3 net profits slip 79 percent

HTC announced today that its third quarter profits declined by 79 percent and missed forecasts. The reasoning given is that its flagship devices haven’t been able to match the Apple iPhone and Samsung’s Galaxy series of smartphones. Its July-September net profit was reported at T$ 3.9 billion down from T$18.68 billion in the same quarter last year.