Before 2009, I had never taken a plane, never understood what a painful task it is to pack for airport security and long hours of sitting in an airplane confined to a small space. Then, all of a sudden, between 2009 and 2010, I had 16 airplane travels, and the reality of frequent travelers downed on me: it is an unpleasant lifestyle to say the least.
Being the gadget freak that I am didn’t make it easier either, as many times I have had to unpack around 4-5 phones, an external hard disk, a camera, an iPod Touch and my laptop while passing through airport security, then repack everything in less than a minute while not messing up my organization and while still looking relaxed enough to not raise any security threats. Also, the first few flights I took, I had to sit and suffer through the excruciating pain of using the airplane-provided earphones which are incredibly hurtful on the ears, to a point where a few times I decided to pass on the in-flight movies and load my own on one of my phones to be able to watch them with my personal Sennheiser earphones. Needless to say, I knew I needed better solutions and fast, so I turned to Proporta for them.

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