Google records $18.7 billion in revenue, $3.98 billion in net income for Q3, 2015

Alphabet has announced Google’s Q3 results ending September 30th, 2015. Google recorded a total revenue of $18.7 billion, a 13% year-over-year increase from last year’s $16.5 billion.

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HTC Q3 net profits slip 79 percent

HTC announced today that its third quarter profits declined by 79 percent and missed forecasts. The reasoning given is that its flagship devices haven’t been able to match the Apple iPhone and Samsung’s Galaxy series of smartphones. Its July-September net profit was reported at T$ 3.9 billion down from T$18.68 billion in the same quarter last year.

RBC raises Nokia’s Q3 outlook

BGR reports that RBC has raised Nokia’s Q3 outlook and said that the situation is not as dire as it appears. The analyst has set a target price of $9 and has said that the situation seems to be improving.

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