Qualcomm is said to be working on a new processor, known as “Hamoa,” that will rival Apple’s upcoming M-series processors. It is expected to be named the Snapdragon 8cx Gen 4. The 12-core SoC was previously mentioned by a known industry tipster, Kuba Wojciechowski. Continue reading “Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx Gen 4 specs surface, could take on Apple M series chips”
Tag: Qualcomm SC8280
Qualcomm said to be testing ‘Hamoa’ 12-core ARM-based desktop CPU with Snapdragon X65 5G modem
According to the reports shared by winfuture.de, Qualcomm has designed which goes by the name “Hamoa” to take on Apple. This chip was designed by a former Apple chip team, and they purchased a Nuvia that is undergoing testing and supports LPDDR5X and UFS 4.0. Continue reading “Qualcomm said to be testing ‘Hamoa’ 12-core ARM-based desktop CPU with Snapdragon X65 5G modem”