Qualcomm just announced Snapdragon 660 and Snapdragon 630 high-end Mobile Platforms, successors of last year’s Snapdragon 653 and Snapdragon 626. The Snapdragon 660 is the first processor in the lineup to come with Kryo CPU that promises 20% better performance compared to Snapdragon 653. It also has new Adreno 512 GPU that offers 30% better performance compared to Adreno 510 and the new Adreno 508 GPU on the Snapdragon 630 offers 30% better performance compared to 506. The Snapdragon 630 uses the same Cortex A53 CPUs, but its arranged in performance and efficiency cluster arrangement. Continue reading “Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 and Snapdragon 630 with X12 LTE modem, Bluetooth 5, Quick Charge 4 announced”