realme launched the realme 11 Pro, the company’s latest mid-range smartphone in the number series, in India earlier this month. This is a major upgrade when compared to last year’s realme 10 Pro, and shares similar specifications as the 11 Pro+, so the price has also increased. Is this the best smartphone to buy under Rs. 25,000? Let us dive into the review to find out. Continue reading “realme 11 Pro Review”
Tag: realme 11 Pro+ Review
realme 11 Pro+ Review: Good camera, attractive design
realme launched the realme 11 Pro+, the company’s top-end smartphone in the number series, in India last week. This has the same display, similar processor and battery, but comes with new design, upgraded cameras, and the price has also increased. Is this the best smartphone to buy under Rs. 30,000? Let us dive into the review to find out. Continue reading “realme 11 Pro+ Review: Good camera, attractive design”