realme just launched the realme 11 5G and realme 11x 5G smartphones in India, as it had promised. The phones pack a 6.72″ FHD+ 120Hz display, are powered by the latest MediaTek Dimensity 6100+ SoC with up to 8GB of RAM and up to 8GB of virtual RAM. Continue reading “realme 11x 5G and realme 11 5G with 6.72″ FHD+ 120Hz display, Dimensity 6100+ launched in India starting at Rs. 14,999”
Tag: realme 11x 5G
realme 11 5G and realme 11x 5G launching in India on August 23
Update: August 16, 2023 – realme has confirmed the launch of realme 11 5G and realme 11x 5G smartphones in India on August 23rd. Continue reading “realme 11 5G and realme 11x 5G launching in India on August 23”