realme is all set to launch its realme 14 Pro Series in India soon. The series will incorporate a unique cold-sensitive color-changing back panel. Ahead of the launch, the company elaborated on this design breakthrough it has achieved in partnership with leading Scandinavian industrial design studio Valeur Designers. Continue reading “realme 14 Pro Series 5G to feature world’s first cold-sensitive color-changing back”
Tag: realme 14 Pro Series 5G
realme 14 Pro Series 5G teased ahead of India launch
realme has started teasing the realme 14 Pro Series 5G smartphones ahead of India launch. The company has confirmed that the phones will be powered by the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 chipset, an upgrade compared to Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 in the predecessor. Continue reading “realme 14 Pro Series 5G teased ahead of India launch”