Realme has launched Realme 3i, the company’s latest smartphone in the Realme 3 series, as it had promised. It has a 6.2-inch HD+ 19:9 aspect ratio screen with 2.05mm slim frame, 88.3% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by MediaTek Helio P60 12nm processor with up to 4GB of RAM, runs Android 9.0 (Pie) based on ColorOS 6.0, comes with a 13-megapixel rear camera with f/1.8 aperture, along with a secondary 2-megapixel camera for portrait shots. The phone has Chroma Boost feature that enhances the colors in pictures using AI and Nightscape for better low-light images. Continue reading “Realme 3i with 6.2-inch 19:9 display, dual rear cameras launched in India starting at Rs. 7999”