realme today launched the realme 8s 5G smartphone in India, along with the realme 8i. The enhanced version of the realme 8 5G comes with a similar 6.5-inch FHD+ 90Hz LCD screen, but pack a MediaTek Dimensity 810 SoC compared to MediaTek Dimensity 700 SoC in the realme 8 5G. We got hold of the phone, and here is our unboxing. Continue reading “realme 8s 5G Unboxing and First Impressions”
Tag: realme 8s 5G
realme 8i with Helio G96 and realme 8s 5G with Dimensity 810 launching in India on September 9
After rumours and teasers, realme today confirmed the launch of the realme 8s 5G, successor to the realme 8 5G with Dimensity 810, making it the first phone with the chip. The realme 8i, an enhanced version of the realme 8 and the successor to the realme 7i will also be introduced alongside is the India’s first phone to come with Helio G96. Continue reading “realme 8i with Helio G96 and realme 8s 5G with Dimensity 810 launching in India on September 9”