realme today launched its Beard Trimmer, Beard Trimmer Plus and Hair Dryer in India, as it had announced. Both the trimmers promise up to 120 minutes of usage on full charge, self sharpening stainless steel blade, USB Type-C charging port and feature a Travel Lock for safety. The hair dryer has a 1400W powerful motor that can dry hair in 5 minutes, says the company. Continue reading “realme Beard Trimmer, Beard Trimmer Plus and Hair Dryer launched in India starting at Rs. 1299”
Tag: realme Beard Trimmer
realme Beard Trimmer and Hair Dryer launching in India on July 1
After teasing the launch of beard trimmer next month, realme today confirmed the launch of its Beard Trimmer and Hair Dryer in India on July 1st. The teaser also shows a Beard Trimmer Plus model with several features. Continue reading “realme Beard Trimmer and Hair Dryer launching in India on July 1”