realme just launched its realme Book Slim, the company’s first laptop in India, as it had announced. It features a 14-inch 2K IPS screen with 400nits brightness, 100% RGB high color gamut, 3:2 aspect ratio, 5.3mm Super Narrow Bezels for an immersive visual experience, so it has 90% screen-to-body ratio. It is powered by 11th Generation Intel Core i3 or i5 processor with Intel UHD or Iris Xe graphics, dual-fan storm cooling System, 8GB of RAM and up to 512GB of NVMe SSD. Continue reading “realme Book Slim with 14-inch 2K display, 11th Gen Intel Core i3 / i5 processor, metal body launched in India”
Tag: realme Book Slim
realme Book Slim with slim and light design, 2K display, metal body launching in India on August 18
Update: August 13 – realme today confirmed that the realme Book Slim will feature a 2K (2160 x 1440 pixels) Full Vision display with 3:2 aspect ratio, 100% sRGB wide color gamut and 90% screen-to-body ratio. Continue reading “realme Book Slim with slim and light design, 2K display, metal body launching in India on August 18”
realme Book to be announced on August 18, realme Book Slim teased in India
realme has been teasing its realme Book laptop for quite some time now, and the renders of the laptop surfaced in renders recently. Today, the company has confirmed the launch of realme Book in China on August 18th, the same day of realme GT series India launch. The teaser image coincides with earlier leaks. Continue reading “realme Book to be announced on August 18, realme Book Slim teased in India”