realme just launched its realme Book Slim, the company’s first laptop in India, as it had announced. It features a 14-inch 2K IPS screen with 400nits brightness, 100% RGB high color gamut, 3:2 aspect ratio, 5.3mm Super Narrow Bezels for an immersive visual experience, so it has 90% screen-to-body ratio. It is powered by 11th Generation Intel Core i3 or i5 processor with Intel UHD or Iris Xe graphics, dual-fan storm cooling System, 8GB of RAM and up to 512GB of NVMe SSD. Continue reading “realme Book Slim with 14-inch 2K display, 11th Gen Intel Core i3 / i5 processor, metal body launched in India”
Tag: realme Book Slim price
realme Book Slim with slim and light design, 2K display, metal body launching in India on August 18
Update: August 13 – realme today confirmed that the realme Book Slim will feature a 2K (2160 x 1440 pixels) Full Vision display with 3:2 aspect ratio, 100% sRGB wide color gamut and 90% screen-to-body ratio. Continue reading “realme Book Slim with slim and light design, 2K display, metal body launching in India on August 18”