Along with the DIZO audio products, realme also launched the realme Buds 2 Neo, as it had announced. This is a cheaper version of the realme Buds 2 that was launched back in 2019 that comes with the same 11.2 mm bass boost audio drivers. It features a gear-shaped cable to avoid tangles, thereby reducing microphonics, every time the cable brushes against your clothes. Continue reading “realme Buds 2 Neo with 11.2mm bass boost drivers launched in India for Rs. 499”
Tag: realme Buds 2 Neo
realme Buds 2 Neo with 11.2mm drivers launching in India on July 1
realme has confirmed the launch of realme Buds 2 Neo wired headphones in India on July 1st along with the realme Beard Trimmer and Hair Dryer. The Buds 2 Neo comes after the company launched the realme Buds 2 in the country a couple of years back. These have 11.2 mm bass boost audio drivers, same as the predecessor. Continue reading “realme Buds 2 Neo with 11.2mm drivers launching in India on July 1”