Along with the realme Watch 2 series, the company also launched the Buds Wireless 2, Buds Wireless 2 Neo and Buds Q2 Neo in India as it had promised. The Buds Wireless 2 is the successor to the Buds Wireless with enhanced features such as ANC and LDAC support, and the Buds Wireless Neo is a cheaper version. The Buds Q2 Neo was introduced as Buds Q2 in some countries, and has similar features as the DIZO GoPods D. Continue reading “realme Buds Wireless 2 Neo with fast charge, Buds Wireless 2 with ANC, LDAC and Buds Q2 Neo launched in India starting at Rs. 1499”
Tag: realme Buds Wireless 2 Neo
realme Watch 2 Pro with GPS, Buds Wireless 2 and more to be announced on May 20
realme has confirmed that it will introduce realme Watch 2 Pro, realme Pocket Bluetooth Speaker, realme Buds Wireless 2 and Buds Wireless 2 Neo at its AIoT Sports launch event on May 20th in Malyasia. The company already confirmed the launch of narzo 30 in Malaysia tomorrow, May 18th. Continue reading “realme Watch 2 Pro with GPS, Buds Wireless 2 and more to be announced on May 20”
realme Buds Wireless 2 Neo with 11.2mm drivers, low-latency gaming mode, fast charging announced
realme has introduced its Buds Wireless 2 Neo, the company’s latest neckband wireless earphones in Sri Lanka. This has the same 11.2mm Bass Boost driver and Bluetooth 5.0 as the Buds Wireless, but this has 88ms super low-latency gaming mode, Magnetic Instant Connection and support for fast charging via USB Type-C that offers 120 minutes playback with 10 minutes of charging. Continue reading “realme Buds Wireless 2 Neo with 11.2mm drivers, low-latency gaming mode, fast charging announced”